The drone class replicators or DCR for short were always busy stocking raw resources and building the hideout. Dozens of small crooks had already been infected and now stole for him. Safe houses were acquired by people that weren't even aware of it. These were the perfect cover.
Harry wanted to make the world a better place. But simply taking control of the 'bad guys' wasn't the way to accomplish this. He wanted to make the world a better place, but the people had to want it. He couldn't infect the entire world population. Okay, so maybe he could but the resource requirements were enormous!
Like he had first mentioned, Harry had now several more 'intelligent' replicators like Loki.
Each IR or intelligent replicator controlled a group of other replicators. The information they gathered was shared between the other IR to be stored for when the information may come in handy. Aside from being called IR Harry also referred to hem as officers. Both names were okay so it didn't matter much.
Since Loki had merged with his body, Harry had changed in appearance as well. He had grown by a lot and was now quit big for his age. He did a lot of sports and was quit good at it. Harry only did it for fun though. He wasn't interested in playing professionally.
Aside from changing him in appearance other abilities had appeared as well. Some were very annoying. Take his empathy for example. Harry would know how the person was feeling, if he was actively probing them. And he would know that they were lying or that they were telling a half truth. The problem was that if they believed it to be true, then his empathy was useless to check for lies.
Secondly was his knowledge in languages. Because his magic had swallowed the world whole Harry would be able to speak and understand any language only he couldn't read it. He could learn how to write and read it but that would take a lot of time. Finally there was his bonds with animals. He simply had a connection with them. They would listen to him and were his spies and ears on top of the drones he had around. But the most useful thing of all was his instinctive ability to analyze and counter an ability that was used against him. Separately these 'abilities' were strong but together they made him a fairly balanced person.
Harry's familiar had arrived a few months after the summoning. The bird had to travel carefully as the non magicals wouldn't understand what a bird native to Scotland would be doing near London. Harry chose the name 'Edain' for the beautiful bird.
It was true what Loki had said. Harry only needed some intent to get his magic to work. Although it still depended on what he wished. Some things required more magic than he had available so it was still a smart idea to do it in parts if Loki warned him that it required a lot of raw power.
There was the summoning part for example. Harry had to have a clear idea of what he wanted, know how it worked if it was more complicated and know that it was there or depending on what it is WHERE it is exactly. On its own it was a very handy thing to have, especially to play pranks on his school.
Ever since his magic had created his Loki, Harry had grown more confident. He wished to learn as much as possible and use that knowledge to improve it. Harry trusted the knowledge he found in books but knew that some of it could be either incorrect, out of date or simply completely wrong depending on what he was reading.
His replicators could repair anything he owned as long as they had absorbed / merged with a single or preferably several working copies. That was very useful indeed. They could even replicate a copy out of nothing but the mass they absorbed.
Harry now had several types of replicators. First there was the basic drone replicator. It did all the menial work and replicated if it was needed. It was also fairly stupid but became smarter the more drones there were.
After that were the hunters. The sole purpose of the hunters was to infect a person and take control of him or her. This could be limited so that the person would only ignore this or that, or it could be overwhelmed completely if more infected. The amount of hunters needed depended on the willpower of the target. And of course if the target was magical or not. If the target was magical than it would put up one hell of a fight.
Thirdly you had the spies. They were the same as the hunters except that they took control of animals to serve as eyes and ears. Humans could also be a target if that was needed but the sole purpose was to act as eyes and ears.
Finally there was the last type that was expensive to build. These were the replicators that were as intelligent as Loki. He called them either officers or IR also known as intelligent replicators. Harry used officers more though. The officers were the ones that received and stored all the things the lower runts heard and saw. They decided what they told Harry. Anything relevant was shared with him. Because of the link the IR'S had with Harry, this was easy to do.
And then there was the last 'secret' replicator. This one was extremely expensive to build, but VERY useful. It was a Human Sized Replicator capable of absorbing and replacing anyone. The human sized replicator would be able to shift into different humans as well. It was able to shift its appearance into anyone, as long as it didn't exceed its mass.
Consumption was something his replicators could do that Harry couldn't... For now. They would absorb the human and convert it into mass but keep the 'character' and place it into an empty replicator vessel. Now THIS vessel would be enslaved to his will. This vessel would act exactly like it would have had it not been consumed.
Harry had several thieves under his command. Most of them were petty thieves, but one of them was a high class one. Harry used this thief to increase his wealth in several accounts. The thief was already very wealthy, and thanks to the hunters within his system, the thief was very healthy as well. And to make sure that the thief would not be caught, the thief had several drones under his command. Harry allowed the thief to think for himself. He would not realize that it was but a servant under Harry.
And now is when the prologue ends and the actual story begins.
"You've got mail Harry-boss." Dudley told him when he returned from checking the mail as his chore that day. "Were you expecting anything?"
Harry blinked innocently. "No. Not this time. Give it here so I can see what it says." Shrugging Dudley handed the letter over. Harry opened the letter and read through it.
After a moment of examination Harry noted that it were actually two letters. The first letter was to notify him that he had been accepted to attend Hogwarts. That confused him for a moment. He had never send a letter or a request to join a magical school. His plans called for him to have several degree's, get the respect that way and slowly take control of earth's best and brightest. It mentioned what he needed as well. When Harry was done with the letter he was not impressed. The letter was written on parchment. And while this may be done so that it could be a fond memory it was still very suspicious. Parchment on its own was hard to find nowadays. And not cheap as well.
Shrugging, Harry opened the second letter.
To Harry J. Potter,
It is my job as deputy headmistress to inform you that you have now official access to your accounts at Gringotts. Simply request to summon your keys to you as is your full right as the Potter heir of the main family. The first account is where you can spend money for schooling and other conveniences. Your purchases are monitored by the staff at Gringotts. Don't worry about privacy because your purchases will never be made public. I also have an obligation to warn you that if you spend too much money on a short amount of time, you are strongly advised to attend special lessons to teach you how to handle large amounts of money.
Aside from this small account you also have three other accounts that will be made available to you at thirteen, fifteen and seventeen respectively. These four accounts are all from the Potter family. Income from various company's are still being brought in. When you are seventeen you will be able to decide if you sell shares or buy others out. Until then you can attend lessons to teach you all of this.
It is also my sad duty that I regretfully have to inform you that you are the only Potter left of the main family. There are still plenty of side branches left, but none of them expressed a wish to take care of you, which is why your aunt accepted you as her responsibility. This means that you are the heir and future lord of the Potter family. Any decisions you make, will have some serious consequences for the smaller side branches. You can assign a representative that represents the older families and you can tell him what policies you wish the Potter family to follow.
When you go to Gringotts, simply go to one of the boots that are free and tell the goblin who you are. The goblin in question 'should' know what you want, but if not simply tell him that you wish the keys you are entitled too. The remaining vaults should remain sealed although you can choose to keep the keys with you. Personally I recommend sealing the vaults tight, open a new vault and place the keys of the sealed vaults into that new vault. This way nobody can access the vaults ever.
Minerva McGonagall
"Loki, were you aware of any of this?" The mischievous cat knew what Harry knew so it wasn't difficult to know what Harry was referring too.
"I'm not too sure to be honest." Harry was surprised. No, scratch that he was shocked speechless. Loki always had been a source of information. He seemingly knew about anything and everything.
Loki obviously knew that magic existed. He was a creation of Harry's magic after all. He supposed that the weird things that he had sensed were these mages in action. Still he had to make sure.
"Are you sure this isn't a prank Harry?" Loki questioned.
Harry pointed to the owl.
Loki sweat dropped. He hadn't seen the owl until it was pointed out. "This could be a problem." He thought silently. "I'm a construct of magic and I couldn't detect the owl until it was pointed out. Something isn't right about this."
Loki extended his senses to check the owl. And while the bird was magical and had a weak spell to make non magicals ignore the bird, it wasn't what he was looking for. Loki then checked the letters out. The first invitation letter came out empty as well. "So it has to be the second letter."
Loki extended his senses and examined the second letter carefully.
"Haha! I knew it!" Loki cried out in victory. "The letter has something to make anyone but the receiver ignore the owl and the letter until the recipient (that's you) points it out."
"So what do you think about it Harry?" Loki asked his Master.
"I don't really know what to think about it to be honest." he admitted. "It sounds like this school could teach me a lot. It could possibly teach me things about my magic that I haven't discovered yet. And I'm not that arrogant to say that I discovered everything about my magic there is too discover. You and I long since agreed that magic is like the force. You could study it for centuries and still discover new powers or abilities."
"Although there is no 'dark' or 'light' in magic remember?" Loki reminded. 'True.' Harry agreed. "There is no Evil. Or there is no Good in magic. There is only... 'Intent' Loki and Harry chorused
Loki switched back to his silent speak. "Then why not send a letter back? You can ask her for more information at the very least. If this Minerva has the responsibility to send such letters than she will most likely receive more letters like this." Loki pointed out. What Loki and Harry didn't know was that Harry was the only student that was the last member of a main line of an old bloodline. That meant that he was the only student to receive a letter like this.
"True." Harry acknowledged. "Alright then. I suppose I should answer this letter." Harry discarded the weird paper and replaced it with the normal kind.
"It is parchment" By the way. Loki pointed out.
'Huh?' "You referred to is as 'weird paper' so I told you what it was. The letter was written on parchment."
Harry blinked. "Wait, isn't that what they used in the middle ages, before paper became easy to make?"
"Yes." Loki agreed. "I found it weird as well at first. Maybe this letter is to have a memory or something?" Harry didn't agree. "I could agree if the invitation alone would be in... Parchment. But the letter of this teacher is in parchment as well. So that suggests that these people use parchment more commonly." Harry pointed out.
Loki shrugged. It didn't matter. Wether or not it was true, it had little importance for now. Although Loki did hope that they used normal paper most of the time.
Considering the nature of the letters he'd recieved both being parchment and using a more formal english, Harry coached his response in the most formal and archaic english possible:
Dear Mrs McGonagall,
Your letter informing me of my status as the heir of an old, and apparently quite well to do family, came as quite a shock to me. I would ask, why it was then, that I being said heir, was dropped with the absolute filth that claims kinship?
I find the implication, that there were other family lines which did not express an interest in my care, of little comfort and profundly disquieting. As this would mean there was not a single family which desired my kinship. Thus, I ask wherefore should I desire, citizenship within a society that placed me with the villainous scum who claim the odious position as my relatives?
I would furthermore ask, if it would be within my power, to disown these side branches? At this precise moment my desires are thus, if I should die before my seventeenth birthday without an heir, I would rather my earthly posessions be thrown into an active volcano, than given into to the care of people that refused to concern themselves with the fate of an innocent child.
I find I have entirely too many questions to relay through the medium of this letter. Hence, I am willing, and express the utmost desire, to have a private meeting with you, in order to discuss my options. I also desire to allow you the opportunity to explain to me, bluntly, why I should want to join said society.
In the interest of fairness, I should inform you that I am already enrolled to join one of the best schools of Europe. A school which, upon graduation, will provide me with the opportunity to participate in any field I wish. My position at this school required a great deal of hard work and effort on my part to even gain the right to send an application. If, and I stress, if in the unlikely event that I should choose to reject my acceptance at the aforementioned institution, I would require assurances that your instituation offers the same opportunities that the school I worked to get accepted into offers.
Finally, I take issue with the implication that, as a potentially high ranking member of your society, there has been no effort shown to provide me with appropriate training and information on the politics that a hidden reclusive group such as your own no doubt participates in. It is not my desire to offend any in my actions, due to ignorance. If you can adequately appease my worries than I'm sure we will not have a problem. My final decision will be given to you at the conclusion of our conversation. I am free this weekend and the weekend that follows after that. If this does not suit for you, than you may send a different teacher. If not, than I will not attend Hogwarts and I will expect the payment my biological parents payed Hogwarts back in my vault by the end of September at the latest.
Harry James Potter.
Harry reread the letter several time and was satisfied with it. He then summoned a level one hunter and spy and ordered them to merge with the letter. As soon as the woman touched the letter, the letter would become liquid and enter her body. It would then take control of her magic and become his spy and servant respectively.
The letter was tied to the owl's leg and then send off. Two high class replicators was a bit much. But Harry was nothing if not careful. The fact that it would give him an informal ally was a great bonus.
"I wonder why he removed the parchment and used paper instead?" The Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonnagal mused silently to herself as she opened the return letter. She carefully reached into the envelope to pull out the neatly folded, sheet of paper and froze in shock as it dissolved into her skin at her touch.
In an instant, the professor's magic detected the invasion and valiently resisted the intrusion. Unfortunately, it underestimated the severity of the threat and was caught, completely of guard. Her magic resisted the intrustion for a full, ten minute battle—which was amazing on its own—before it lost against the invading magic. The entire ordeal took place within the solace of her office, which was protected with enough wards and anti-surveillance charms, that nobody had felt the briefest hint of the intense battle that had taken place within the confines of her domain. The invading magic having succeded in the assigned task, modified her memory of the event before reforming the letter in her hand.
Minerva blinked failing to notice the lapse of time, she opened the letter and read it. Her face grew warm, and she shook her head, not wanting to accept the words on the page. She reread the whole thing. Then read it a third time just to be sure.
"That sasanatch, I knew I should've have let Albus drop Harry off by those horrid people!" Minerva fumed in the privacy of her office. "What was I thinking, trusting Albus' judgement. Safe with the worst example of humanity possible? Hah! I should have forced him to choose a different family. Great Circe! Even I would have been willing to raise him, and I'd have done a damn sight better at it than that Malfoy brat's family did with him.
Without hesitation, or even consciously making the decision to do so, Minerva began to analyze Harry's letter, hoping to get some idea concerning his character, and possibly which house he would be sorted in.
'His enrollment into the best muggle school in Europe says that Ravenclaw would gleefully accept him into their ranks. However, his drive to accomplish his goals regardless of the requirements suggest Slytherin. Hufflepuff would appreciate the fact that he is no stranger to working hard for his future, as he mentioned the difficulty of even being considered for an application.' Minerva couldn't stop herself from smiling. It would be typical that a Potter would be difficult to classify. 'I've failed him after Albus insisted to drop him off by his family even though he knew it wouldn't be the easiest life. I will not fail him again. Even if I can do nothing but be a silent ally to him.'
Minerva nodded to herself. Once she made a decision, nothing could convince her to go back on it, unless overwhelming evidence pointed to the other direction.
"Harry wants to be able to do the same things in the muggle world after he graduates here. But there isn't anything that offers something like that. The muggleborn in my house tell me that the muggle studies class we have is embarrassingly out of date and incorrect. Come to think of it, a class on muggle and magical culture, history and other important aspects may be an answer to ease the tensions in future years..." Minerva nodded to herself. "Note to self: make the preparations to start a class like that this year. Even if it starts later. I'm sure that there are plenty of muggleborn that would be willing to teach a class."
"I will write a letter back and tell him that I will join him this weekend. I might as well introduce him to Ms. Granger as well."
Minerva did not know that her knowledge was being examined piece by piece. Everything she knew and remembered was examined from her earliest memories to her most recent, from her most embarrassing memories to the memories she kept close to her hearth. Nothing was ignored because information was power. Moments later the silent invisible probe retreated and Minerva never knew that her most deep secret weren't so secret anymore.
"So what did you find?" Harry asked Loki. While Harry was aware that he could follow the information that Loki extracted, it was far to fast for him to follow. It gave him a headache too. It was better to let his friend handle it. Loki had told him that as he grew older he would be able to follow the information better and better. Not only that but the fact that he had a good memory already was a big bonus.
Loki was very thoughtful and only slightly disturbed. "It appears that these magical people need a focus to use their magic. Believe it or not, but this focus is a 'wand'. No matter how cliché that sounds it seems it is the truth." Loki told Harry.
"Magic without a wand is something that is considered very difficult for childeren and for adults. To do magic without a wand the user has to be very disciplined. Both mentally and psychically. And that is something that witches and wizards don't bother with. Sports that trains the body is all but unknown to them." That was a problem. Harry liked to sport. He preferred to be in control of his body and train it to its limits. If sports were all but unknown to witches and wizards...
Harry shuddered at the thought of them being fat, lazy and especially uninterested in doing team sports.
"Fortunately" Loki continued, having sensed that Harry was done with his internal rant. "Muggleborn witches and wizards do know sports and practice it at Hogwarts as much as they can get away with. Not only that but they don't challenge their rules anymore either. These people are content to leave everything as it is now. They do not want anything to change. But a society without growth is doomed to self destruct." Loki told Harry wisely.
Loki than considered the issue of these magical people outright ignoring the non magical community. And while Harry had grown a strong dislike for the non magical community, simply because of the fact that they wasted so much. The earth wouldn't be able to sustain them forever. And Harry knew that it would be up to the magical people to clean up their messes. Unless they had advanced enough in technology that the non magical people could do it themselves. But for now that seemed unlikely.
A lot of witches and wizards believed magic to be superior to non magical weapons. The reason for this was that the muggle studies classes weren't even close to up to date. That meant that wizards and witches were not taught about the advances that muggles had made. That on its own turn kept that 'air' of superiority towards their non magical cousins.
Once upon a time this may have been true. In the middle ages witches and wizards would be able to kill and taunt muggles easily. But since than the muggles had advanced so much. Not only in their technology but also their cultures themselves. Magic was and remains a powerful advantage. An advantage that could devastate the muggles if they are caught unaware. But winning one battle does not mean the war has been won. If the magical community would strike the non magical community they would eventually organize. Sooner or later they would retaliate and then the deaths would be solely on the magical side alone.
When it comes down to it the muggles would win. When you take their technology and their numbers and combine them than the small magical communities would be overwhelmed. And even the most common taught muggles wouldn't be fooled easily. If only the muggle studies had been up to date. Than the witches and wizards would know about firearms and what damage they could do. How most magical shields could stop perhaps a dozen or so bullets... Spread out over some time and not at the same spot.
This was confirmed by the memories that Loki gleamed from Minerva. Most adult witches and wizards could create a shield that would be able to stop the handgun from the eighteen hundreds. If you took the modern weapons than the shield would collapse, after a few shots on top of leaving the witch of wizard drained of their magic. Naturally if you looked only in the British magical communities you wouldn't find the shields for the modern weaponry. In other communities spread around the world shields had been developed to withstand modern fire arms and even artillery. Even so these shields required a lot of 'magical fuel' to power them and to recharge them quickly if they came under attack.
Loki was forced out of his thoughts by the question his Master asked him.
"What do you think I should do than? Should I go or not?" Harry asked Loki. Harry was unaware as of yet of all the information he had received from Minerva's memories. And it was still very true that Harry had worked very hard to get access to that school.
"Hogwarts may be useful for you to learn alternate histories. It is surprising how much influence witches and wizards have had in the past." Loki told Harry. "Hogwarts will also teach you alternate uses for magic that you haven't thought about. And aside from that you may be able to gain some allies to help you for your plans."
"Through Minerva I gained the locations of muggleborn witches and wizards that will join Hogwarts in your year. On top of that I have the addresses of the muggleborn of previous years and the addresses of muggleborn that should go to Hogwarts next year. If you send hunters to them you will get plenty of friends and followers."
Harry wasn't sure if that was a good idea. "Which level?"
The hunters were originally created to make Harry's aunt and uncle be nice to him. This operation was a gigantic successes. There were several mild and one big side effect thought.
The first mild side effect was that anything Harry's aunt, uncle and cousin knew, heard, saw, smelled and did was shared in the network that all hunters, drones and other replicators shared. The longer the hunter was in their system the more information could be retrieved. These high class hunters could make their hosts remember things differently not unlike a memory wipe. The knowledge that was retrieved from his relatives was 'saved' and ready to be summoned or called upon at a moments notice. The information was not shared with Harry because it was not important for the things he was doing and because his relatives didn't much of importance.
The second mild side effect was something the lower classes shared as well but not as fanatically as the level one. It made these hosts refer to Harry as their Master and God to the point of fanaticism. His relatives were loyal to him without a doubt. They would jump into a active volcano or even a into a man eating snake if Harry told them to do so. Fortunately, Harry didn't realize the amount of things he could tell them to do for a long time yet. The only thing he wanted was them being nice to him. The hunters wouldn't allow anything less. It was because of that fanaticism that lesser classes had to be created. The level ones attracted too much attention.
The third mild side effect was fairly simple and also counted for the other lower classes: only those that had a strong mind had a change to resist the hunter and possibly become immune to future attempts.
Finally the biggest side effect and the most important was discovered. Because of the high quality nature of the hunters, it could upgrade muggles into artificial squibs. To have them become squibs would only take a few months. It was the becoming a witch or wizard that would take much longer for adults and fairly quickly for childeren. For muggle childeren it would take roughly six months to become a squib. That meant they could see magical events but couldn't do anything magical. A year after that they had the change in becoming a 'muggleborn' witch or wizard. For adults it was a different matter entirely. Multiple hunters in one host would of course double or even triple the amount of time it would take.
Assuming only one hunter merged with its host, it could take easily one year before they could become a squib. To become magical could add another two to four years. And than it was barely above squib level. The reason that this was even possible wasn't as far fetched as one would think. The hunters are magical constructs. Made entirely out of magic. The metals and resources were retrieved from the earth. And anything that comes out of the earth has traces of magic in it.
And it was for that very same reason that lesser hunters had to be created. Not only would weak wizards and witches show up on the monitors in the ministry -according to Minerva at least- it would be a mystery how adults formerly muggles could even become magical. Children wouldn't be questioned that closely. But adults suddenly becoming magical would be investigated very closely especially by those pureblood bigots.
The second class was of a lower quality both in metals as in quality magic. It would make their hosts less suspicious. They would only refer to Harry as their Master and God in private and only in secure area's.
Like it's brothers a level two hunter could make muggles a squib capable in seeing magical events. And only after a long time after that there was the change that the host could become a witch or wizard. A squib was very likely but a wizard or witch was unlikely to happen.
The third class was the lowest quality of the three but don't let that fool you. Even the third class wasn't inferior. Level three hunters would make their hosts ignore something if something unusual happened. They wouldn't be aware that they were doing something they were artificial sleeper agent. A level three hunter was able to upgrade itself to a level two but it required a long time to pull it off. A level three hunter would allow muggles to become a squib capable in seeing magical things but that's where it ended. Unlike it's level two brother it couldn't do anything more than that.
"I think that we might have to make a custom class for childeren. They haven't done anything us so we can't do anything to them either."
"You have a point like always." Harry agreed solemnly.
"I think that a level four hunter designed solely for magical and non magical childeren would be a good idea. They would be able to share information but wouldn't take control. But the childeren wouldn't be able to willingly betray me either." Harry suggested.
"You don't want them to be loyal to you first most than?" Loki questioned.
Harry hesitated. "I don't want to take the choice away from them. I hated it when it happened to me. And I think I need someone to tell me 'no' and to tell me when I'm doing something that I shouldn't be doing." He admitted.
"If you look at it that way you've got a point." Loki admitted.
"Would the quality for a non magical versus a magical child make any difference? I mean a child is a child right?" Harry asked after a moment.
"That's true." Loki admitted. "The only difference that quality makes in childeren is how quickly they could become magical. The muggleborn would be your strongest allies though. They will feel as alien in the magical world as we will feel."
"You have a point... Again." Harry declared with a small smile.
Harry was still hesitating to give the order. "I'm not sure if I want to do this though. I truly want to have a few genuine friends as well... Although the hunters 'could' remain dormant and only act up if they are going to betray me..."' Harry ended that sentence in a way that it was actually a question.
"That's not a problem you know." Loki pointed out. "Simply tell the level four hunters to monitor their hosts and only interfere if they are going to betray you. Because if they betray you..." Loki paused.
"Then they deserve what's coming to them." Harry finished. "Alright. Do that then." He told Loki.
"You still need to give the orders Boss. You know what your goals are after all. You will need magic users one way or another. Having your generation loyal to you will at least guarantee some form of control over the government."
"From what I know from Minerva, the government is hopelessly corrupt. So having our own people within the ministry would drive out at least some of that corruption. I do not have any level four hunters though so if you wish to start getting allies you could always use the hunters already available." Loki explained.
"How many addresses do you have belonging to muggleborn, half blood and pure bloods in total? And going from that how long would it take to create enough level four hunters to cover that amount?"
"Do you wish to combine your year, the previous and next year together?" Loki asked.
"Roughly three hundred people. In total." Loki reported. It would take a few weeks to cover it. Just in time before school would start. I currently have four hundred level three hunters, one hundred and fifty level two hunters and roughly fifty level one hunters available."
"Send level three's to all addresses. I only want information from them. Don't influence them beyond not betraying me. Adapt from situation to situation."
'Acknowledged Boss.' Loki responded.
After a moment Harry realized another problem. Or rather it pointed itself out.
"What about the teachers then?" Harry questioned.
"You already have control of Minerva." Loki pointed out immediately.
"That's true enough." Harry agreed. "That still leaves the others though." He pointed out.
"We can use level one's to the teachers. Combining that with our, next and the previous year and we've got plenty of influence."
"Alright. Let's put the teachers on hold until we arrive at Hogwarts than." Harry nodded.
Loki nodded slowly. "I can still prepare for it though. Even though the teachers aren't an absolute force they are still the authority at school."
"Harry waved those worries away. "Take your time. I'm not about to spend all our limited resources. We can't keep stealing what we need as we've been doing. The authorities are getting suspicious."
Loki closed his eyes for a moment and from various hidden places across Surrey bugs flew away. This was barely noticed at all. Three hundred insects, while a high number in a group was hardly noticeable when flying apart and alone.
After the initial excitement things returned to their normal boring state. At least how boring it could be for Harry. Harry's replicators could shift into a human appearance so he send them to diagon alley to get some school resources. Harry intended to go to the bank and visit his vaults. There he would gather information to see if he had any accounts in the muggle world. If not he would divide his trust vault into two and put that money into an account that he could access.
If Minerva's memory were any indication the ministry wouldn't have a clue in how to track accounts from muggle banks.