I made a slight mistake in the previous chapter with Dave's age. Just remember that at this point Dave is one year older than Harry and is attending his second year at Hogwarts. Balthazar has been teaching him for an undetermined amount of time and because of his origins he cannot be infected through the hunters. Dave will be a strong ally for Harry and a close friend. This is a fusion type of xover between the two. I am unaware if there is a book or something similar on the movie 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice.' That means I've got plenty of possible villains to play with. Remember that this is an AU on the movie which means I can play around with the movie and switch concepts and rules around if I so wish.
In the previous chapter I mentioned that each house has unique challenges that offer prestige within the house. This is important for later chapters. These challenges are made into levels. Each more difficult than the previous one. It is unknown how many of these levels there truly are.
Starting from the previous chapter up until two chapters after this one, each will contain a short description to what sort of challenges each house contains. This is just a reminder until it comes into play. That means that you 'can' ignore it but I might make references to it. Not only that but I also might be able to build onto previous descriptions. As I write this story, those elements will eventually build themselves.
The house of Snakes...
The house of snakes holds chambers of luxury and protection. There are several levels of these chambers. Each chamber requires that you break the standard protection plus whatever the new owner added on his or her own. There also may be other secrets within these chambers... Knowledge... Potions... passageways to different locations of the castle perhaps...
The house of Ravens...
The house of ravens holds chambers like the house of snakes. But because ravens value knowledge these chambers are only accessible by acquiring the right knowledge to gain access. Journals written by some of the brightest minds of the past centuries are also hidden within these chambers. These journals cannot be removed, or knowledge cannot be copied onto paper. It can only be remembered.
/Chapter START\
Previously (I rewrote the last paragraphs because it didn't make much sense. That and I needed some time off. Now I'm back into business!)
"The tower of Hogwarts has always been there. It was simply inaccessible to everyone, including the house elves and the ghosts. I've been updating My Tower for centuries so that it would contain the most modern conveniences. The first year students will find that they will have plenty of room. The older students that volunteered will find that it is rewarding to do this sort of thing. The students of next year will also be joining my house. All the first years only need to follow the yellow stones and they will be brought into My Tower. Your home away from home." Having said what he wanted, the hat vanished with as much style as he had arrived and vanished with another loud CRACK.
Point of view change to the Headmaster
Albus had been watching the entire ceremony with some vague form of amusement. He privately found it hilarious that the had had done this now of all times. Albus had been aware of the Tower Of Hogwarts and had attempted more than once to try and locate it. It was now obvious that it all had been for nothing. While those times had been fun, it had been a waste of time. Those times also had confirmed very firmly that Hogwarts was a very magical building and did not obey any laws of science or magic as they understood it. The fact that he had been wandering around for weeks, relying on transfigured food and water only underlined that fact. Come to think of it, it might be because of eating so much transfigured food that people called him a tad mad.
Albus tapped his wrist with his wand. The tattoo that only he could see shifted into the time. Seeing that it was fairly late and that the students would be very cranky in the morning, Albus decided to end the night. He stood up and send several spelled dragon fireworks into the air to catch their attention. Oh, how he loved his position as headmaster!
General point of view change
"Now that I got your attention." The headmaster declared, I suggest you all get to bed. Because it is much later than other years, tomorrow the lessons will start at noon. Like I have been doing since I became headmaster, the first years will have no classes tomorrow. This serves to show you around and to hopefully decrease the amounts of late students." The headmaster turned to his staff and said the one thing that they all loathed.
'Emergency staff meeting after the children are in bed and sleeping.'
The staff just groaned in despair.
Like the hat had said, the floor transfigured itself into a path of yellow stones. But when it was mentioned to other houses, they were confused as to what they were talking about. Only the the muggleborn students caught the reference of the castle. Most of them were curious as to where the castle had gotten the muggle reference. Unless... No. It couldn't be real... Could it?
The volunteers of the older years escorted the tired eleven year old's as they followed the yellow stones.
"I wonder who our head of house will be." One of the senior students mentioned to his companion. "I have no idea. As long as it isn't that old fraud I don't care. Damn. It was the stupidest decision in my career to pick that course for an easy grade." His friend replied.
"Lucky you that you were allowed to transfer right?" The first senior questioned. "You've said it man." The friend agreed.
It was a rule that was widely known and accepted within the student body of Hogwarts. Hogwarts does not make sense. Hogwarts does not follow any rules whatsoever. And perhaps the most important of all: Do not under any circumstances insult Hogwarts or you'll find yourself utterly and completely lost.
It had happened before.
If any of the older years had any doubt about the first rule, than the Tower Of Hogwarts would get rid of it. The tower of Hogwarts seemed to be located in the middle of the castle. But that couldn't be because that would be at least a fifteen minute walk! The time it took to walk to the tower was barely five minutes. The other houses were a lot further than that compared to this house.
The older students recognized that the entrance of the Tower Of Hogwarts seemed to be near all their classes. Or at least, close to those that were inside the castle. But even despite that, it even seemed close to some of the exits to the outside of the castle as well. To add to the other advantages, it seemed close to some of the secret passageways as well. The first year did not know any of these of course.
When the large group of roughly one hundred and sixty students came to a stop, the large door that would give them access to the Tower Of Hogwarts was hard to miss. The door seemed to be made out of steel but felt like soft wood. On the sides of the door were small runes that some of the elder students recognized as locking seals. And on top of the already heavy security were bolts that seemed to keep the door shut. It was obvious to these students that these runes were designed to keep the door sealed shut. Above the door there was a single sentence announcing the state of the door. The sentence was worn out through time until the words seemed to flare brightly. The words seemed to glow with power as the words changed from barely noticeable into modern English.
'Tower of Hogwarts is Locked.'
When one of the first years opened his mouth to question how they could get in when it was apparently locked shut, new words appeared below the words.
'Tower of Hogwarts is Locked.'
'Unlocking of Hogwarts's Tower authorized.'
'Authorization accepted.'
'Unlocking commencing.'
"The text is similar to that of a computer." One of the first years observed to his companion. The companion -Harry- nodded in agreement. "You are right. But it seems to be awfully advanced compared to what we have now. I know for a fact that the new windows OS wouldn't be so advanced to do something like that."
The group of childeren watched silently as the bolts released and sank into the stone, appearing as if they were never there in the first place. Once that was done, the rune seals glowed and vanished one at a time. While this was happening, the students could feel the magic whirling, charging and changing. The house elves were working themselves in a frenzy. A part of Hogwarts had been abandoned left to gather the enemy of all house elves: dirt, dust and the nasty dust bunnies as well! The house elves were attacking the thick layers of dirt as if their life depended on it. And in a certain way it did.
While house elves could feed on normal food, they preferred to eat magic. It was why they worked in a servant bond with witches and wizards. The elves fed on the magic that the witch of wizard would waste. The stronger the witch or wizard and the older the home was where they lived, the stronger the elf would be and the stronger the magic would be.
Through the connection with the house, the elf knows what needs to be cleaned. It is this way that no dangerous pests can enter the house with a vigilant house elf on watch. If the elf is abused however... Than the elf might 'miss' the pest in question. Many wizards and witches assume it is because of their expensive wards that they keep dangerous pests out. While the wards certainly helped, there were always way to go around it. Most of these wards acted as a bubble above ground to keep anything out. But if you dug into the ground and made a tunnel than the wards did nothing to stop you. Basically: Nothing can enter a property uninvited without a house elf knowing about it.
The food that elves eat comes from two sources in general. First there was the magic already present in the air. This is mostly around magical locations. Places that have no magical creatures in the area would slowly lose any and all magic in the air. The magic in the air was influenced by two factors. Age and how magical it was, or rather how many magical creations that were present, and more importantly: how long they had been present. Each magical construct bled magic into the air.
The second source comes from the witches and wizards in general but the most important source comes from their master or mistress. On top of the magic in the air, the magic that was bled of magical constructs the elves ate the magic that witches and wizards bled off as well. If any of the witches knew how much magic they released because they couldn't control it they would be very surprised. Overexposure in magic was a form of pollution. It would mutate the environment in unpredictable forms.
To sum it up: house elves at the magic that was bled of by magical constructs, witches, wizards and any magic that could possible pollute the area. Keep this detail in mind with the following paragraph.
The tower of Hogwarts is straight in the middle of a highly charged magical locations, filled with magical constructs. The castle had housed witches and wizards for centuries. Not even the large population of the house elves present could keep the castle pollution free. They had been able to keep the common rooms pollution free though... So when the elves realized there was a new tower available, that had been allowed to bleed magic for centuries the house elves were moving to get rid of as much magic as possible.
And finally... The magic in a polluted magic like that was like a drug. It would charge the elves and make them stronger as a whole. It would make them assertive and not as submissive. When all the locks had been released and had sank into the stone and when all the runes had vanished as well. The door itself sank into the stone to reveal a beautiful stone guardian. The guardian was a fused version of all Hogwarts's creatures into one. It was fairly bizarre and very freaky looking. Now that the door was unlocked, new words appeared above the door that would remain there the whole year.
'Slytherin is cunning and ambitious'
'Gryffindor is brave and courageous'
'Ravenclaw strive for knowledge, wit and intelligence'
'Hufflepuff values hard work, loyalty and raw dedication'
You were not sorted in any of these houses. You were sorted into Hogwarts. Students sorted into Hogwarts house can honestly say that you represent the best of Hogwarts itself. Since there are members of every house they will teach you how to represent me at your best.
Be brave but do it with cunning. Be knowledgeable but know when to go for it and when not. Be loyal and work hard but do not abandoned the other traits... All of you will learn how to show these traits to make you the best you can be.
Anyone can enter the tower provided that they do not have any harmful intent. Only those that are invited will be able to pass this door. Hogwarts House -My House- will lead the school to unite again as it should have been.
This message would remain inscribed in the stone. It would be charged with magic and would never become dull. The middle tower would not be locked down again. Only those that showed the best of their house could attempt to enter the tower and only those that honestly thought they had done their best could do that. But this was for the future. For now none of that was important.
The door opened and widened to allow the group to pass. As soon as the group had passed the door, the door was sealed and the ground changed into an elevator. The direction the elevator took wasn't really clear. It seemed like it was zigzagging all over the place. The elevator 'pinged' a moment later. "God I'm glad that the annoying elevator music is missing." One of the muggleborn students muttered quietly.
"You've said it sister." Several of her house mates agreed. The group would've begun talking in confusion. The first years were getting seriously tired. And tired eleven year old's result in some serious headaches for the older years. They were interrupted from doing anything by a whisper they could all hear but could not pinpoint the source off.
'The floor on which you are standing is meant for the first year. Because this group is so large this entire floor is for their year alone. It is the dormitory for them to sleep. I already have assigned beds for them. The only thing you need to do to exit the tower is stating where you want to go. 'Exit' for example will lead the elevator to the basic exit. If you say 'exit great hall...' I will leave you to discover this yourself. For the first years: when you get up tomorrow, simply order the lift to go to the common room floor. I will explain more than. Now, Go To Bed Now!
The first years were too tired to complain too much and scattered into every direction. For about fifteen minutes confusion reigned as they were trying to figure out where to go but eventually all eleven year old's were sleeping. When silence reigned, the whisper continued as it had before.
Like I said before, this floor is designed for this large group. It will remain theirs for their stay at Hogwarts. Other years will gain normal dormitories. All older students will get a separate floor that holds their dormitories and a small common room if you wish to talk privately outside the noise of the main common room itself. Or if you wish to study privately with some peace and quiet.
The boy's and girls dormitories are separated and neither gender can enter the other without an invitation of either.
The remaining students entered the elevator again and it moved them to the next floor.
'Second year floor.' The second year students exited the lift and looked for their beds. They were glad that they could sleep a bit longer the next day. They were tired as hell.
The lift moved again.
'Third year floor.' The action of before repeated itself. All third year students left the elevator.
'Fourth year floor.' fourth years exited the lift.
'Fifth year floor.' Fifth years spotted the fire and made themselves comfortable. They wanted to discuss what happened.
'Sixth year floor.' Sixth years exited and noted that this level was designed differently. 'I'm giving the sixth and seventh years a boon. Most of you have girlfriends. I'm allowing you to share a bed and do some exploring... If this privilege is abused I will revoke it and I will guarantee that you will not find any privacy time for a month each time I have to tell you off. Per time I have to punish you, it will be added by a month each time. If I have to scold you three times, the privilege is revoked for the rest of the year. The sixth year students glanced at each other and came to an unspoken agreement: Do. Not. Abuse. This.
'Seventh year floor.'The few senior students that were present noted immediately that their floor held a very comfortable looking common room. 'Your seventh is the most important. Therefore I have given you a nice spot to study as well as a private elevator to the library. Do not abuse this or else. Only you seniors can enter other floors bedrooms. You can visit the small common rooms if you want and so can other year if they are invited or if there is an emergency. Share this with the younger students. Don't think I can't give you a forced cold shower if I think you are going to floor in your sexual exploring. I will not have any pregnancies before you are seventeen. After that... Good night.
/Chapter END\
I am so SO sorry! I am out of idea's and it has been a long while yet since I posted an update. Nothing much happened in this chapter but at least I can now honestly say that this story is HEAVILY AU. I've been decreasing the size of my chapters I KNOW but I promise that I'll make up for it with a huge chapter... If I can get over my writers block and can figure out a timeline to where I want to go with this. It has so much potential still.